Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Do you want to practise?

Do you want to practise english? Then go to this links and you will practise lots of exercises in a  simple way.

Isabel Perez

Agenda Web

Grammar Aquarium

English Hilfen

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Likes and dislikes

Well first I am going to start with the likes and after this with the dislikes.

Likes: Well there are lots of things that I like but I am going to explain all the things that I have liked since I was a small kid and how these things have changed from then to nowadays.  Since I was very small one of my favourite foods has been ham and rice they were, and they are, my favourite foods.  When I was small I liked football because everybody loved it but now what I like is basketball.  I also like rugby but it is not as familiar to me as basketball.

The toys that I liked when I was small were the gameboy colour, also known as atari, and before that the little figures of pokemon or digimon.  Now what I like is very different. Now I play with the x-box, computer games, playstation, etc. And I also like music, it's one of the things that I like most, and finally I love good people who have a good soul.

Dislikes: Here I am going to do the same thing that I did before.  When I was small the food I didn't like was spinach and other vegetables, now I don't like spinach but I like the other vegetables.  The things I don't like are: maths, spiders, snakes, teachers ha ha, black chocolate, bad people , and other bad things.  I also don't like going to the beach because I hate the sand and sea water. Finally, I really  dislike all the people that are bad people and have a bad soul, this I really don't like .